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DIY Dried Cannabis Leaves

If you’re the type of person that likes to keep their decor natural, then keep reading for a must learn technique!

I’ve had about several attempts at growing my own cannabis plant, and none of them have resulted in me being able to smoke my own homegrown flower :( and while I haven’t been as successful as I’d like, I still managed to make some great progress and I ended up with lots of leaves.

Not only are raw cannabis leaves great to dry and use in projects, they can also add a boost to your wellness routine! You can use it to make homemade tinctures and canna butter, or your own concentrates and salves. You can even add it to smoothies and other foods. If you’re curious about what else you can do with cannabis leaves, check out this article:

Now let’s get crafty!



—wax paper


—books or heavy pans (to use as weights)


The first thing you’ll need to do is cut your leaves off of their plant. You can also just collect freshly fallen leaves if you’d rather not take them directly off the plant. I grew two cannabis plants that ended up being males, so I had lots of leaves on my hands!

Next your going to lay all of your leaves out onto a flat surface. Be sure to cover your surface with wax paper to protect the leaves. I used a cutting board so that I could move my work station around if needed, but feel free to use any table or floor space you have access to.

Once your leaves are all laid out, cover them with another sheet of wax paper. On top of the wax paper you can place whatever weight you want on top of it. Try to keep the weight evenly distributed amongst the leaves. I used a heavy glass baking dish filled with books to apply even pressure.

The leaves should start to be dry after a few weeks, but they could be ready after a few days. Just keep check in on them until they get to where you want.

While I focused on cannabis leaves, this process works for any plant leaves that aren’t super thick. Once they’re dry you can use them for all sorts of projects. They can be used to add a canna touch to candles, handbags, shoes, home decor…the list goes on! Stay tuned to see what DIY’s I tried with mine.

Keep it Crafty!

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